Wednesday, April 18, 2012


lgrunwald said...

Instead of worring about the teachers, I would like the people of Waterford to open their eyes to what the Waterford Graded school is spending their tax money on! They are using Walkers tools to give $ 5,000 bonuses to the Schools New district administrater, who already came with a very over priced salary. He is paid more than the previous District administrator who came to the district with experience. I am not sure how that works, no exeperience but a higher price tag? Now after 1 year he gets bonus of that size? All the adminstrators also got salary raises? but the rest of the staff has had no raise in 3 years? Where does this money come from? Also our board president has pushed for 4th grade orchestra to be started this year, resulting in more spending when we should be cutting our spending? Furthermore spanish has been added to the graded schools, students see a spanish teacher once a month, what learning is retained with that? Very costly! Even more upsetting, the board presdent asked the administration to pay towards their insurance, but he gave them all an $800 stipend to offset their out of pocket cost the first year? Why, the rest of the School staff did not have a stipend and they pay significantly even more towards their insurance than the administration. Lets save money not spend it at the top only? So in summary, administration got 3.4% raises, a stipend and still pays less than the rest of the staff towards thier insurance. Still spending during a time we should be saving! The middle school prinicpal also recieved a $5000 bonus this year? Are you adding this up tax payers! Who is running this school board? They are not using Walkers tools to save money, they are using the tools to spend more money on the administration and personal agendas. Also, in a time of cuts they are going to be building another building for around $27,000 and they are going to cut teaching staff? Our kids will suffer with this kind of leadership! The board is not conservative, they are dishonest! I am outraged at the misuse of our tax money in this school district!

Anonymous said...

Excellent points - in addition to the radicalness of teachers shown in the video!