Tuesday, November 8, 2011

More Proof The Village of Waterford Doesn't Need A Full-Time Administrator

According to the 2010 US Census, the Village of Sturtevant has 1,602 more residents than the Village of Waterford does. Yet, Sturtevant's Village Administrator has been working 4/5ths of a full-time position, and in the 2012 Sturtevant Budget, his position (by his recommendation) will be cut to a 3/5ths of a full-time position. The position doesn't warrant a full-time employee.

With 1,602 fewer residents and much less in commercial, manufacturing and retail, the Village of Waterford clearly does not need a full-time Village Administrator.

Click Here To Read The Article In The Racine Journal Times

It is time for the Village Board to take a serious look at where we are spending our valuable tax dollars!


Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more. We seem to be spending our money foolishly lately.

Anonymous said...

I bet the savings between having the Village Administrator work three or four days a week, coupled with having her supervise our own police chief - or have the sheriff do it - would save us $50,000 annually. That is real money we can use to pay down debt, revitalize the downtown to attract business, etc.

Anonymous said...

These are great ideas, thanks for keeping us informed guys.

Anonymous said...

Sturtevant is going through a financial crisis right now. They're doing anything they can to save. Waterford should spend more wisely. I don't think less supervision is the answer, different, maybe. Also, we don't have a "Police Chief", he's an officer.

Anonymous said...

So then with your thinking, because Waterford isn't in such a tight spot like Sturtevant, we should just go ahead and spend the money unnecessarily...just because we're not hurting as much? How dumb is that? We don't need a FT administrator, that much is clear...and the one we do have should do her job and supervise the village employees, not pawn it off on some clown.

Anonymous said...

There has been a lot written about municipalites lately and the troubles that Boards are facing with the decisions and actions they are taking (ESPECIALLY STURTEVANT). Anybody see anything like that about the Village of Waterford? Maybe if Sturtevant had a full-time administrator they wouldn't be in such a mess. People that serve on boards don't always have the experience and knowledge that an administrator does when it comes to the specifics of how a government operates. They usually come with their own personal agenda and that's it.
Back in 2009 there was a post praising the Village Administrator for the work she was doing, how soon we forget.....

Anonymous said...

I guess the people that ran for the village board didn't think it was important to save money by going to a part time administer, that is too bad. How can they justify paying her full time and paying the town over $14,000 to manage there full time police officer, who has had that position over 30 years. This topic should be brought up again to the village board