The WTA was organized for the purpose of creating a unified taxpayer voice within the community.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
What a Great Day For Taxpayers Today
What a great day in Madison today for taxpayers. Hopefully, tomorrow will offer more of the same. It is time to take back our local budgets from the unions.
And what a sorry day for the children of Wisonsin. Last year, reading and math support were 'restructured' for those who need extra help, including my son, due to budget shortfalls. He currently receives NO support. You are kidding yourselves to think that this won't affect the quality of education that the children receive. But Hurray for the taxpayers at the expense of our children.
If I were to say that the Teamsters Union was concerned about delivering their packages on time, in good shape for the lowest cost to the customer, you would say I was crazy.
We all know that the Unions job is to have the highest wages and benefits for the widest number of union members.
I believe that teachers are concerned about their students. I don't believe that the teacher's union has any concern with students.
"The children" will be just fine. It is well past time that public school employees start contributing toward their health insurance (in a real an meaningful way) and their retirement. Gone are the days of the asinine 7 - 20% annual spending increases from the school districts when inflations was 0 - 2%.
Requiring teacher to contribute toward their retirement and health insurance will have exactly zero effect on the quality of education they provide to the students - ZERO!
Eliminate ALL the aides. Eliminate the Assistant District Administrator position and the Administrator can to the Curriculum job too. Eliminate the Technology Director. Contract with a private company for janitorial. Eliminate the technology integrators and the principal's secretaries. Review the lunch program and likely save money by not offering such a variety choices. Sell some land. Have teachers teach more than 4 or 5 periods during the day.
The more money we spend on education does not equal a better education and certianly paying teachers more will not eqaul better teachers.
Freeing our educational system from the union WILL equal a better education. The union only hurts our childrens education by protecting bad teachers and holding back good ones.
The post that starts with 'Eliminate' makes me laugh! When is the last time you stepped into a school? I don't know what aides you are talking about. There is only 1 full time aide per building. What are you talking about??? The other aides are special ed aides that are required by law.
Cyndy, I agree with you. I am also concerned about my daughter at WGSD. How will this affect not only the logistics of fewer programs but the morale of teachers and support staff? I fear that our schools will become a "revolving door" of teachers who would(logically)look for better pay/benefits elsewhere. Without unions, I can't see teachers (even the good ones) staying for long in one district. Will school boards offer incentives to those who are indeed effective? How can they afford it? Once again, a thankless job. Well, I say "Thank you" to all the teachers and staff at our local schools. Don't be discouraged by those who don't appreciate what you do.
These are not part time jobs. Many if not most also work on their own time. If you compare what they are paid with the degrees they have to others, they are not high paid either. It is a thankless job, taking these spoiled, undisciplined children that parents send to school and turning them into well behaved students.
It most certainly is a part-time job...a gravy part-time job!!!
All summer off, plus a week at Thanksgiving, two weeks and Christmas, a week or more at Easter, and all of the sick days = a part-time job.....ITS A PART TIME JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If it is such a great PART-TIME gravy job as you keep referring to it as, why do you not apply? Wait, please do not do that,someone as ill informed as you should not be leading our future.
An anonymous person who is sick of people making false statements!
And what a sorry day for the children of Wisonsin. Last year, reading and math support were 'restructured' for those who need extra help, including my son, due to budget shortfalls. He currently receives NO support. You are kidding yourselves to think that this won't affect the quality of education that the children receive. But Hurray for the taxpayers at the expense of our children.
If I were to say that the Teamsters Union was concerned about delivering their packages on time, in good shape for the lowest cost to the customer, you would say I was crazy.
We all know that the Unions job is to have the highest wages and benefits for the widest number of union members.
I believe that teachers are concerned about their students. I don't believe that the teacher's union has any concern with students.
"The children" will be just fine. It is well past time that public school employees start contributing toward their health insurance (in a real an meaningful way) and their retirement. Gone are the days of the asinine 7 - 20% annual spending increases from the school districts when inflations was 0 - 2%.
Requiring teacher to contribute toward their retirement and health insurance will have exactly zero effect on the quality of education they provide to the students - ZERO!
I disagree, but we will see when the school's budget is looked at for next year. I honestly hope you are right, but I fear for the children.
Eliminate ALL the aides. Eliminate the Assistant District Administrator position and the Administrator can to the Curriculum job too. Eliminate the Technology Director. Contract with a private company for janitorial. Eliminate the technology integrators and the principal's secretaries. Review the lunch program and likely save money by not offering such a variety choices. Sell some land. Have teachers teach more than 4 or 5 periods during the day.
The more money we spend on education does not equal a better education and certianly paying teachers more will not eqaul better teachers.
Freeing our educational system from the union WILL equal a better education. The union only hurts our childrens education by protecting bad teachers and holding back good ones.
The post that starts with 'Eliminate' makes me laugh! When is the last time you stepped into a school? I don't know what aides you are talking about. There is only 1 full time aide per building. What are you talking about??? The other aides are special ed aides that are required by law.
aides are NOT required by law. Get a grip on yourself!
Beronja, Sally Aide, Library
Borchardt, Lisa Aide, S/E
Brossard, Jane Library Media Specialist
Buell, Carmen Aide, Library
Campbell, Julie Aide, S/E
Cobb, Carla Aide, S/E
Cramer, Donna E.V.E Aide
Durben, Margaret Aide, S/E
Durlin, Patsy Aide, ELL
Engler, Messalina Aide
Erickson, Diane Aide/Crossing Guard
Gerkhardt, Deborah Aide, S/E
Hackstein, Belinda Aide, STARS
Henry, Susan Aide, SE / DI
Horn, Catherine Aide
Kojis, Bev Aide
Lindner, Jennifer Aide, Library
Lytle, Marsha Aide/Crossing Guard
Monday, Cathie Aide, S/E
Nowacki, Cynthia Aide, Library
Parker, Janet Support Aide
Ranke, Marcia Aide, S/E
Suszka, Georgann Aide, Library
Tymus, Peggy Aide, S/E
Walters, Mary Aide, S/E
Yorde, Karla Support Aide
Zabel, Karen Aide, Library
Zuehlsdorf, Allison Building Aide
This is just the aide list, it does not include the technology integrators, secretaries, secretary II's, guidance staff, etc.
Cyndy, I agree with you. I am also concerned about my daughter at WGSD. How will this affect not only the logistics of fewer programs but the morale of teachers and support staff? I fear that our schools will become a "revolving door" of teachers who would(logically)look for better pay/benefits elsewhere. Without unions, I can't see teachers (even the good ones) staying for long in one district. Will school boards offer incentives to those who are indeed effective? How can they afford it? Once again, a thankless job. Well, I say "Thank you" to all the teachers and staff at our local schools. Don't be discouraged by those who don't appreciate what you do.
None of these teachers with high paying part time jobs will leave. Who are you kidding?
These are not part time jobs. Many if not most also work on their own time. If you compare what they are paid with the degrees they have to others, they are not high paid either. It is a thankless job, taking these spoiled, undisciplined children that parents send to school and turning them into well behaved students.
It most certainly is a part-time job...a gravy part-time job!!!
All summer off, plus a week at Thanksgiving, two weeks and Christmas, a week or more at Easter, and all of the sick days = a part-time job.....ITS A PART TIME JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Anonymous,
If it is such a great PART-TIME gravy job as you keep referring to it as, why do you not apply? Wait, please do not do that,someone as ill informed as you should not be leading our future.
An anonymous person who is sick of people making false statements!
Good Point.
...answer - I prefer to work for a living, and I don't want to work with a bunch of overpaid whiners!!!!
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