Friday, April 30, 2010

Kudos to the Waterford Graded School District and other local districts...

The Waterford Graded School district and other western Racine County school districts appear to be looking at sharing resources, staff, etc. as a cost savings measure.

Click here for the article....


Anonymous said...

If Washington Caldwell, Drought, and North Cape are in favor of this why don't they just consolidate with Waterford Graded School District and save even more money?

Anonymous said...

I agree. I think the simple answer is that they, the other districts, lack to political will to do so.

Court Greeley said...

I don't know if they're carrying this far enough, but it sure is nice to see SOME people in positions to come up with ideas and impliment them to save taxpayers money are doing it. Kudos, Kudos, Kudos to the districts.