Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Waterford Graded School District Board To Vote On Budget Monday!!!

On Monday, October 19, 2009 the Waterford Graded School District Board will vote on the 2009-2010 school district budget. The meeting will be held at 6:00 PM in the Evergreen Elementary School Cafeteria/

The School Board was presented a budget with a 5% increase.

Believe it or not, some tax intoxicated wingnuts in the crowd actually asked the board to increase the spending!

Please be at the meeting and demand responsible spending!


Anonymous said...

A 5% increase!!????? In these times! That is 5% too much!

Anonymous said...

I agree. The levy should be FLAT or reduced for the next 5-6 years to bring down all of those grossly out of control increases over the last six years or so.

Paul Beyerl said...

I also agree that 5% is too high. I know that that administration has a two year rolling contract, but in the future we should consider cutting the superintendant from a 260 day contract (full time) to 220 days. That would allow for her to visit places out of the district on her off time. If the superintendant were in the district during the school year we could eliminate the assistant superintendant position.

We should also cut the rest of the administration from 220 days to 200 days. I believe 10 days more than the teachers is plenty. We presently spend nearly a million dollars on the administration. 2009 Salaries were $713,769.00; benefits were $274,894.60; for a total of $988,663.60 for the 7 administrators and the portion we pay for the Director of Special Education and/or Pupil Services. These amounts do not reflect the many we have to spend after they retire.

Paul Beyerl said...

The meeting is at 6:30 tonight

Paul Beyerl said...

We had a small victory last night. The original amount suggested by the school board was passed rather than the higher amount that was pushed through by Julie Plantz and the staff.

When the chair, Dan Jensen asked for a motion, Bob Kastengren made the motion for the higher amount. No one seconded his motion.

After a lot of silence, the lower amount was put as a motion. Even then no one wanted to second the motion. Dan Jensen chose to second it himself. The motion passed 5-0.

This is still a 5% increase over last year's tax level. The budget increased 0.9%. The additional local taxing is because of the reduced state aid.

I want to thank the WTA members that showed up and spoke.

Chuck Poole said that the fund balance is savings for a rainy day and this is such a time.

The board has made some cuts but I'm sure other cuts could be made. I did suggest the reduction of days for administration which could save $80,000.

Anonymous said...

Paul, a lot of people would like to see you run next year against Kastengren.

Anonymous said...

Pretty arrogant to call taxpayers "wingnuts" because they don't agree with you. Believe it or not, you don't represent ALL of Waterford.

Anonymous said...

OK wingnut

Anonymous said...

That was mature