The WTA was organized for the purpose of creating a unified taxpayer voice within the community.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
As much as I am not a fan of BO, I think this Waterford Taxpayers Association has become more focused on extreme bashing of the President. Although I do find the latest posts quite humorous I believe this is the wrong forum to display them. I thought the goal of this blog was to discuss issues and help find constructive solutions to issues that are affecting local taxpayers. I'm sure these type of posts have further alienated anybody that do not agree with whoever is posting these. I would suggest to whoever is posting this to just e-mail them to your friends that would appreiciate them instead of provoking further division of opposing views.
As much as I am not a fan of BO, I think this Waterford Taxpayers Association has become more focused on extreme bashing of the President. Although I do find the latest posts quite humorous I believe this is the wrong forum to display them. I thought the goal of this blog was to discuss issues and help find constructive solutions to issues that are affecting local taxpayers. I'm sure these type of posts have further alienated anybody that do not agree with whoever is posting these.
I would suggest to whoever is posting this to just e-mail them to your friends that would appreiciate them instead of provoking further division of opposing views.
If you don't like what is posted here, don't come back!!!
Oh, that's real mature. No wonder this group can't make any progress.
yeah...ok...progress...hows the new school building coming? How about the staff cuts at WGSD...get a grip on yourself!
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