Saturday, September 19, 2009

Pay Freezes Continue for Public Employees All Around SE Wisconsin....Will Our School Districts Act In A Similarly Responsible Manner????

Public employees all around southeastern Wisconsin are taking wage freezes. Have our School Districts smelled the coffee yet?

Racine County employees took a pay freeze in 2009.

Eight Unions representing various City of Racine municipal employees agreed to a pay freeze in 2010...Click here for the article

City of Milwaukee municipal employees agreed to a pay freeze in 2010 AND 2011....Click here for the article

The Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District's 2010 Budget calls for pay freezes in 2010...Click here for the article

Yet somehow when we suggest pay freezes for all school district employees in the Waterford area, we are somehow "teacher bashing."



Paul Beyerl said...

Tonight is the WGSD annual meeting. You can have your voice heard and vote at this meeting. The school board may vote against your wishes, but we can be on record.

I suggest that the sweetheart benefits for the admin. be reduced.

Anonymous said...

The Village of Waterford and the Town of Waterford should do the same thing on 2010 too.

Lets see who is really on the side of the taxpayer.

Paul Beyerl said...

Dear WTA members,

Where were you tonight? The WGSD staff had a large number of members present. Julie Plantz made a motion over $200,000 more than the board suggested. The second was from her husband. Because of the reduction in state funds, we were already looking at a 5% tax increase. The motion passed. My wife and I were among the only ones that voted against the motion.

Last year, the public voted for a reduced budget and the board decided to increase it back to their original number. I hope that our present board will vote to put it back down.

The board salaries will be staying the same rather than follow the high school board salaries as was proposed. I suggested a 10% decease which was voted down.

Don't be shocked when you get your tax bill.

Anonymous said...

Or maybe, just maybe, more people care about quality education and are willing to pay for it than are out there responding to shrill politics.

Over 15,000 conservatives turned out at the lakefront on Saturday, so the folks are out there who support less spending. Maybe just not right here and maybe just not on this issue.


Anonymous said...

Let's see spend more money than the board asked for. That doesn't make any sense. I believe that the budget that was proposed would not have affected the quality education. But look at the people that attended this meeting. I guest that those are the people that aren't taking pay cuts r un-paid days off.

Anonymous said...

To Hmmm...

Maybe some people are on the take and want all of us to pay for it. Will you have the same opinion when you don't have children in school?


Anonymous said...

Thank goodness the citizens of Waterford finally decided to make their voices heard at the board meeting last night! Not everyone is willing to sacrifice education for a small tax increase. Let's keep in mind what kind of community we want to live in, and how that community could change if we provide an inferior education to our students.

Anonymous said...

I didn't attend the meeting because I had to attend to another matter. However, I know that there are three responsible members on that board who will do what is right...for both the students and the taxpayers. This is very much unlike the slugs that left the board and whose incompetence caused the last many years of out of control, unbridled, tax intoxicated spending binge!

Anonymous said...

The only other people there were teachers and other school staff.

Anonymous said...

To Hmmm...

Maybe some people are on the take and want all of us to pay for it. Will you have the same opinion when you don't have children in school?


"On the take"?

Whoa, tiger, that sounds a little like a freaky conspiracy theory there.

Again, 15,000 conservatives showed up on Milwaukee's lakeshore this weekend to protest big government (maybe you missed that in your conspiracy theories). If there was similar outrage in Waterford, more people would have shown up and made their voices heard.

As a conservative who showed up at the rally (did you?), I can attest to the notion that where there's outrage, people will gather.

The only conclusion from the showing on Monday is that there's no outrage, short of the three or four members of the WTA.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it sounds like another union sheep that confuses quality of education with cost of education. One is seldom related to the other.

Anonymous said...

Listening to the proposed budget I didn't here anything that would affect our childrens education, taking that small amount from the cash reserves shouldn't hurt the district. From what I hear the high school district is taking over $250,00.00 out of there cash reserves, nobody is saying anything against them! From looking at the people at the meeting were thay all people from our district?

Anonymous said...

The local parochial schools consistently outperform the WGSD in every standardized testing method. Those same parochial school kids consistently are at the top of the heap at the WUHS.

The local parochial schools are providing a better education to those kids at a fraction of the cost per student that the WGSD is spending.

As someone said earlier, the cost of the education is very seldom tied to the quality of the education.

Privatizing some functions in the schools, e.g. technology, cleaning, groundskeeping, and asking the staff to contribute toward their health insurance premiums, wage freezes, etc. wound not change the quality of education in ANY WAY!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Gee, do you think staff members were "requested" to be there to help insure the vote?

Anonymous said...

Yes I believe it was a set-up. Dr. Nelson had her little speech about not taking money from the cash reserve, and look at who made the motion to have a higher budget amount, and who seconded it.Makes you wonder???

Anonymous said...

Also, how many of those staff members were actually WGSD taxpayers?

Anonymous said...

There were no IDs required. We will never know. It is like voting in Milwaukee

Anonymous said...

Again, if there was really this much outrage, the public would have shown up. This isn't complicated people.

And the conspiracy theories are hilarious. Come on people, *I'm* a conservative and I'm ashamed at the notion that I could be grouped with lunacy like this.

Anonymous said...

To the post above...You keep telling us you're a conservative...but we all know you're need your head examined and no one buys your rhetoric

Anonymous said...

To the 9/24 8:38 post writer - What specifically about this post is "lunacy"?

Time after time you claim things on this blog are, for example, lunacy, yet you never give us any, any, any, specifics...ever. And you never make any of your own conservative you.

So let me ask you again....what specifically about this post in lunacy?

What is it about privatizing some functions in the schools, e.g. technology, cleaning, groundskeeping, and asking the staff to contribute toward their health insurance premiums, wage freezes, etc. that is lunacy??????

Hello...chirp chirp...tell us please!

And being the big conservative you claim to be, what then are your specific recommendations for the WGSD in terms of fiscal responsibility, cost saving measures, controlling costs, looking for ways to save money, etc. We're waiting.....

Anonymous said...

Maybe there was no outrage because the people have faith in the school board to hold the line on speading.Look around alot of public employees are taking pay freezes to keep there jobs. I guess there are some people in the distict that must not have a problem spending more money.