Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Kudos to the Village of Waterford

The Village of Waterford continues to look at revitalizing the downtown area!

Click Here to view the article in the Waterford Post!


Anonymous said...

I agree. Nice job Ms. Ewald. Ironically I drove through Cambridge with my family about a month ago and we commented on how cute and welcoming the downtown was. I would love to see something like that here in Waterford!

Anonymous said...

This is a good idea! Good work.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad they are going to do this. It will really spruce up the downtown area and likely draw interest from additional businesses.

Anonymous said...

Wake-up the downtown area is dead, no parking is a major issue, why waste the time doing this, who is going to pay for this?

Paul Beyerl said...

Everyone wants to have their village downtown section look like Cedarburg. I don't want to pay the taxes of there.

I believe we could make improvements to the downtown by making some basic fixes. The first thing I would do is bury the power and phone lines down all of Main Street.

I would then pave Main Street and provide a turn lane, especially at Main and Milwaukee. This would allow oncoming traffic an early warning of who is actually turning. Yes, this would reduce the on street parking in that area.

Long term, I would look to provide a different route for trucks. I have suggested a business 83 that would continue in the line of HW 83 through the farmers field that is for sale and join up with Cty W past the school into the business district.

This would keep trucks from going over the bridge and around the corner in downtown and would also keep them from driving over another bridge on HW 36.

I do agree that Ms. Ewald has done a nice job with the area behind the village hall.

I don't think this forum needs to have name calling. It's no wonder you aren't will to show your names.