The following letter was sent to Dan Jensen, president of the WG5D board. It might be of interest to the Waterford Taxpayers Association. An added note of interest is the fact that none of the administrators, including principals, are residents of WG5D. This may lead to the lack of a vested interest in the community.
July 21, 2009
Dear Mr. Jensen,
It is my sincere hope that you will take the time to read this with thoughtful consideration, as I have spent a great deal of time wrestling with the following events. Waterford Graded 5chool District has gone down a slippery slope since Gary Tilleros retired. The current administration is sadly lacking in honesty, integrity and respect for its staff. Their agendas are unclear, but are certainly not concerning what is best for the students and lack fiscal responsibility.
Let's begin with fiscal responsibility. Administration has all the right things to say to the board and the public, but often don't paint the whole picture. In the past, the board seems to have taken this information at face value and been willing to approve things which have helped put us in the financial situation we are now in. Much of it was unnecessary or overkill. It's like an infomercial. All you get is why this product is needed, none of the drawbacks or complications in using it. How many of us have purchased some such item, only to be disappointed because there wasn't enough time to use or learn all the bells and whistles. Therefore, it either collects dust or we use it for the basics which could have been accomplished for much less money.
Take Smartboards for example. Yes, they are high tech, interactive and cool, but they are far from necessary. They are often used for videos and as overheads. There are some teachers that utilize them more often, and perhaps those are the teachers that should have one. However, it seems like an awful lot of money to spend for all classrooms to have them, especially within such a short period at time. I know of districts that ask teachers to write proposals or grants for these types of items. This way there is more assurance that the money is well spent and spending is spread out according to proposals and amount of money available.
On the topic of technology, just how much money exactly has been spent in the past two 'years on this? Not just hardware(which has been substantial-desktops, laptops, 5martboards, projectors, movie cameras), but including software, licensing for access to all computers, frequent outsourcing for issues that have continued to pop up, time spent by maintenance on installations of Smartboards, etc. Not all of these expenses occurred under the technology budget. When Mr. Bui was hired, part of the deal was the district would save that money by not outsourcing, as he knew all we needed regarding networking, PCs, etc. Prior to this administration, there was not even enough money to buy some software. How is it that the board could approve all this expense!? It was initially thought by this administration that WG5D had too many computers and the number of labs should be cut down. Instead, they purchased more computers than they ever had! These computers could have been phased in to some degree. Have these expenditure really been in the best interest of our students? Aren't 'quality teachers, support staff, and small class sizes better suited to help students succeed? Even as our students progress, technology doesn't do the teaching, it does the reinforcing. This all sets a precedent that continues.
Moving on to curriculum, how much was spent on Direct Instruction that has gone out the window? How much for the Scott Foresman and Investigations math programs and all the peripherals that were purchased and thrown out before two years' time? How much for the Every Day Math brought in and the online games to track students' activities? The online games were an unnecessary expense and I wonder how often these were actually accessed? I know of another district that does EDM, but opted out of the online games due to its expense. Why has our board been unable to say no to all the extras? We have many other ways to check our students' progress including MAP testing. There is free software on the internet that could be utilized it researched with lists given to teachers.
What is the cost of Compass Learning? Are students and the district getting their money’s worth out of it or is it a tool for busy work? This seems it would be more suited to students that are already motivated learners who would be just as successful with other types work. What about the unmotivated student or those easily distracted? Is this just time on their own when they are not really getting instruction? Do scores show that the good students get better and the lower students are stagnant? These are things to research.
Part of the problem seems to be jumping on the bandwagon. This district used to choose to go with the tried and true curriculum. This is good for students AND fiscally responsible. Trying to be cutting edge is experimenting with our students. We have begun to lean too heavily on technology, especially in younger grades. Yes, they need exposure to technology, but basics in the early years are crucial. This makes it easier for students to be successful as they get more difficult class material. Some things are best learned by rote, e.g. multiplication tables. We have fifth graders who do not know their facts, and therefore cannot divide either. Also, many students already sit in front of games on computers much of the day. Perhaps a move AWAY (of course not completely) from technology in early years is beneficial.
To add further to our fiscal issues, the administrators were given substantial raises in the beginning of this year. What is the total dollar figure of these combined raises? How many people would still have jobs this coming year instead of a lay off? The economy was very poor then as it continues to be, yet these raises were justified to the Waterford Post by Dr. Nelson as nothing more that the teachers would be getting. Now, no teachers are being replaced, some support staff have been laid off, and there is talk there will be no raises for teachers. However, there seems to be money to buy new Smartboards, for a Linux system and new curricula. Some districts have put off purchasing new curricula for a year to ease up some finances. Many put their value in the staff, knowing they are key to making a district successful.
Stimulus money here has been used for Smartboards even as six special education aides have been laid oft. This is a prime example of the lack of value and respect for staff. It is obvious that technology, and not staff is what is valued in this district. You have trained, licensed, experienced special education aides that have been laid off. Now remaining aides, no matter what area, are being asked to get their license so they can work with special needs students. Not only do you then have inexperienced staff, but it also taxes the classroom teachers and special education teachers more. To top it all off, the district is advertising part time special education aide positions?!! What is the agenda here? None of this seems to be in the best interest of the students.
Next, according to the Racine Journal Times, WGSD state funding went down $425,000, but Dr. Nelson is giving a figure of $600,000. Which is correct? I understand we are entitled to an increase in Title I funding due to an increase in our community of low income families. Has the district taken this into consideration when determining the tax levy? What is the tax levy going to be? Also, what was the final dollar figure in Dr. Nelson's request for her insurance benefits in cash? Now there is also threat of a discrimination lawsuit. The district is fortunate more lawsuits have not been filed regarding bullying and harassment to employees by members of administration. Again, the focus is not on creating a climate of goodwill among staff. People are too afraid for their jobs and ramifications if they were to speak up. Staff members have been on the edge of their seats for the past three years waiting to see if they would be the next target. This is unacceptable and detrimental to the functioning of this district. At one point, this professional, educated staff was told by Dr. Nelson that she would not explain her decisions nor her agenda when asked specific questions, as she felt staff was not capable of understanding the thinking of an administrator.
There is also a distinct lack of communication from administration and the board to staff and to the public. Unfortunately, staff is often left to rely on getting information in the form of rumors. This can and has created a great deal of stress. This takes focus away from teaching.
Board meetings in the past have been extremely vague with such wording as "refer to email sent" or "refer to packet sent." These items were not available to the public so they would know what anyone was talking about at meetings. There is also little information given in the minutes. WGSD should be following the example of the high school in using figures and options so the community can actually participate and know what is happening. There needs to be full disclosure aside from personal issues dealt with in closed session. This is one reason for frustration in the community, as it appears things are not done above board and with fiscal responsibility in mind. If Time Warner Cable still does community access, it would be nice to have the board meetings broadcasted. If not, why not use the new video cameras purchased for online concerts last year and post the video on the website.
Is this really the direction Waterford wants its schools to take? Although a board should not dictate to a school district, neither should administration dictate to a board. It would be nice to have board members communicate with staff, be present in the buildings, and find out, get a feeling for what is best for the students AND the taxpayers. Families move here for the good schools. We are included in that group. Honesty and integrity are necessary to keep this reputation. That is not the direction WGSD seems to be going.
It would be nice to have nothing to read in the Waterford Post but positive things teachers and their students are doing.
Thank you for your time.
I actually like Mr. Bui and so do my kids. I like it that he goes in the labs and works with teachers and students. My son always talks about it.
I do feel both the staff and students are using technology more and it shows at home.
I may not agree with how the budget is spent but than again I can't get to all the committee or board meetings. However, when I do make a meeting it seems they are pretty detailed on how they spent the stimulus money and how the technology staff has been reduced these last couple meeting at least. I clearly remember both Mr. Jensen and Mr. Poole mentioning something about that was the direction.
This is an interesting letter, makes you really think about some of the things going on there.
The administration should use some of that wonderful technology and utilize an online dictionary to learn the definition of transparency.
The $600,000 figure is one that I came up with and have been reporting. It is a combination of the $425,000 that state funding was reduced and the $175,000 that I was expecting the state would INCREASE this year.
The $175,000 is about the average of the increases we received in state aid the past two years.
So the $600,000 'loss' in state aid paints an accurate picture of the amount of money Doyle and the Democrats have funneled away from our school system this year. Amazing when you consider the overall state budget increased, but the Democrats' have decided that schools aren't as high on their list of priorities these days.
Due to this loss in revenue the school board either had to reduce expenses or increase property taxes to have a balanced budget.
The board requested the administration to adjust the budget to limit the tax levy increase at 5%. 5% is the maximum tax levy I will support - if we can't run our schools at this level of property tax increase we need to rethink what we are doing. Our children can't be expected to grow up and inherit an excessive tax burden like some of the double digit increases we have experienced.
This meant that around 10 employees were laid off to reduce costs also.
The board and administration continue to review programs for their effectiveness compared to costs.
I realize some people will say a 5% increase is excessive and others will say we should not be laying off personnel no matter how much taxes need to increase.
As far as the smart boards go - the 'stimulus' money was tagged for special education needs. The spend was supposed to be on onetime items (thus why staff could not be added). The board thought the smart boards were a good direction to go since they would satisfy the requirements of the feds and the hardware could be used by all students.
Just like all professions and their tools, I am sure some teachers utilize the smart boards better than others. Hopefully by having them available for use, additional training available, and the sharing of ideas between teachers they will become more effective as time goes by.
Moving on to another topic, I am open to sharing as much information on board meetings as possible. We unfortunately get the opposite advice from legal to limit information as much as possible and still satisfy the open meeting laws. We are still exploring the possibility of audio/video recordings being made available on the school website.
Please keep in mind that a lot of the discussion we have is at the committee meetings (which are open to the public) so when the regular board meetings occur we have discussed the items. This can sometimes come across at the regular board meetings that we aren't sharing information, but in reality it would be redundant for the board to repeat everything.
If you ever need information clarified our email addresses are on the school website: Feel free to send us an email any time.
Also the annual meeting will be on Monday September 21st at 7 PM - please come out and share your ideas and feedback.
(opinions are mine alone and may not be reflective of the entire board).
Chuck Poole
At a time when we just went through years of 13%, 10%, 8%, 34% increases....5% is way too much! There is plenty of fat to be cut yet. PLENTY!!!!
"At a time when we just went through years of 13%, 10%, 8%, 34% increases....5% is way too much! There is plenty of fat to be cut yet. PLENTY!!!!"
Yet you propose nothing. How original.
Again, rip apart the schools all you want (and no, it's not really supporting the educators when you bash the system as a whole), this "association" has yet to propose anything meaningful to fix the supposed problems that exist, short of slash and burn practices that would destroy the schools.
I received the letter posted here in the US Mail. There was neither return address nor signature. From the content, it appears that is was written by a staff member.
I don't run the Waterford Taxpayers Association nor this blog.
The first concern is the integrity of the administration. I have questioned the data that has been put together by Dr. Nelson like the need for a new school.
Several times, Dr. Nelson has brought things to the board at the last minute. She expected items to be approved that day. One of the goals given to her by the past board was to have no surprises. I had expected this board to ask for Dr. Nelson’s resignation.
I also question why I was given last minute notice that my election papers had to be in before the published due date. I was out of town that day.
Another area of concern is fiscal responsibility. I believe that teachers and curriculum are more important than schools, yet they are looking replacing them.
I have mixed feelings on technology. I don’t believe the schools should be using computers for entertainment or babysitting. I question the use of educational programs that also entertain.
I feel Mr. Bui had done a good job in updating our computer system. The Apple servers were starting to fail and they could not buy new servers that ran OS9. This meant the majority of the computers in the district would not be able to talk to the servers. The cost of upgrading the Apple computers to OS10 was more than the computers were worth.
I felt we should start with the middle school and add the other schools over a couple of years. Mr. Bui felt that we could reduce the computer staff by buying all of the systems at once which allowed for remote monitoring and repair rather than requiring staff at each school. I believe that there has been reduction in the computer staff. I don’t know if it comes close to cost of the new computers. An outside company could provide the same type of remote service.
Mr. Bui was able to reduce the software cost to the school by using Open Office which is free rather than Microsoft Office. He was also able to get rid of an external E-Mail provider by hosting the E-Mail on our own servers.
The Compass Learning software was provided free of charge for the first year. I feel the teachers should track student’s education level by the test they give and the results they get.
Regarding curriculum, I also feel the Everyday Math should never have been put in place. This is another “New Math” program that I see as teaching students in a confusing and costly way. If students and parents don’t understand it, we depend on the teachers, teacher’s aides and specialist to teach this program. In general, I feel that if a grade school curriculum is confusing to an adult, it can’t be good for a student.
I arranged for Mr. Joch to visit a choice school in the inner city of Milwaukee. Many of the students had been kicked out of MPS. The third grade reading score were at 83% passing using the state standard testing. Waterford was way ahead at this point at 91%. The choice school then passed Waterford by eighth grade by scoring 92%. Waterford school, even with their 3 levels of intervention remained at 91%. The students at the choice school must be low income to apply. Many of the students come from single parent families. The choice school gets $5800 per student rather than to $11,000 per student in Waterford. I was voted down when I requested a pilot program similar to the choice school. If you make learning hard, you need to hire more teachers to re-teach them.
I also expect this board to ask for Mr. Joch’s resignation. We have seen the test score continue to decline for the past 3 years. I believe these record points to Mr. Joch’s poor performance. I feel that he acts under the direction of Dr. Nelson, hence this is her record too.
I received another anonymous letter this week. This one appears to be from someone else. This blog lets you post as anonymous. I suggest that people use rather than me.
Paul Beyerl
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