Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Bloviating of a WUHS Teacher and a WGSD Teacher

There was a letter to the editor ("WGSD is a great school district") by Kathy and Chad Gordon that appeared in the July 3, 2009 edition of the Waterford Post.

The Gordon's bloviated on and on about their selection (through open enrollment - they live in Eagle) of the WGSD for their children's education.

For the record, we agree that the WGSD is a fine school district, and the School Board, Administration, Principals and Teachers deserve credit for providing a quality education to the children.

However, it turns out that (according to the Waterford Post) Mr. Gordon is a teacher at the Waterford Union High School, and Mrs. Gordon was recently hired as a teacher in the Waterford Graded School District.

What a coincidence...the WGSD they boasted about happens to be the same WGSD that Mrs. Gordon works for. The WGSD is of course is a very convienent place to send their kids.

We wonder if perhaps the letter to the editor is more about parroting in disguise the talking points of those opposed to real progress and change at the WGSD than it is about the school of obvious conveinence.


Anonymous said...

I got a big laugh when I read that artile and then saw that they were both Waterford teachers. Nothing like getting caught tooting your own horn. They should be ashamed. Kudos to the Waterford Post for revealing the motive for such a glaring boast.


Anonymous said...

I too LMAO at those idiots, as you say, parroting for their boss. I hope they are embarrassed.

By the way - Move to Waterford if you like it so much.

Anonymous said...

Because nothing on this forum is "parroting." Do you even realize the hypocrisy you show?

No, probably not.

As a fellow conservative, you guys (or "ladies") make right-leaning folks look like hicks and idiots. Can you PLEASE, for the sake of getting some quality folks elected in this state (and quality is not the big steaming pile that is Dan Jensen) quick acting like you have the answers when, in fact, you've not proposed one constructive thing here?

Conservatism has a bright future unless it leans on folks like those who post here.

Anonymous said...

If you can't see the dozens of constructive ideas and suggestions here...I'm sorry, but we can't help you.

What is not constructive about trying to privatize some services to save money...and maybe use that money toward furthering education? If a cleaning service can do the job for much less than district employees...why not explore it!

What is wrong with questioning 4% raises in the worst economic time of a generation...when most everyone else is having their wages cut and/or hanging on to their employment by an economic thread?

What is not constructive with suggesting the possibility of exploring other insurance options?

Why shouldn't we look at other options...why shouldn't district employees contribute toward their insurance???

What is wrong with suggesting the district take a close look at all of the many, many support positions to see if they are all necessary and/or if some of the support positions can be combined, eliminated, reduced to part-time, etc.

We have said many times in this venue that WE RESPECT AND APPRECIATE THE GOOD JOB THE WGSD ADMINISTRATION, PRINCIPALS AND TEACHERS ARE DOING educating the children!!!!!

However, that doesn't mean that we and others shouldn't be able to question the use of taxpayer resources.

The only attacks I see on here come from people like you who offer absolutely NO suggestions when it comes to spending the district resources responsibly.

Not only are many of the ideas presented here completely constructive, they are no brainers.

We certainly respect your right to disagree with anything on this site, but we are not the name callers tossing out dishonest rhetoric.