Tuesday, March 10, 2009

"Meet the Candidates Evening" on Thursday, March 19, 2009

We will be hosting a "Meet the Candidates Evening" on Thursday, March 19, 2009 at the Waterford Town Hall. The event will begin at 6:15 PM.

We are inviting the candidates for Town of Waterford Supervisor and the Waterford Graded School District Board (WGSD). After a brief introduction we will be give each of the three candidates for Town of Waterford Supervisor five minutes to speak to our group prior to getting to the WGSD candidates.

When we move on to the WGSD portion of the evening, each candidate will give an opening statement. The WGSD candidates will then be asked (on a rotating basis) a series of questions that were solicited from concerned taxpayers in the Waterford area.

The taxpayers of the Waterford area are looking for real leadership from our elected officials. We’re looking for leaders who value the education of our children and who recognize the importance of managing the delivery of that education in a fiscally responsible manner.

Please be sure to bring a friend or neighbor!!


Anonymous said...

Why aren't the Village of Waterford candidates included?

Anonymous said...

Ah.....because there are already 7 candidates for the forum. We didn't want to add the 9 from the Village of Rochester either.

There are no contested races in the Village of Waterford!!!!

Anonymous said...

I realize that there are no contested races for the Village. However, they are also a very important part of the community and the decisions they make affect 4700 people. I guess I was wrong to assume that the "WATERFORD Taxpayers Association" would want to involve all representatives of Waterford.

Anonymous said...

We recognize that the Village of Waterford is a very important part of the Waterford Area...extremely important!

The purpose of this particular event however, is to give area taxpayers an opportunity to listen to candidates running for local office in CONTESTED RACES, where the local taxpayer has a decision to make on election day.

The entire Village of Waterford is in the Waterford Graded School District. The taxes levied by the WGSD make up the largest portion, by far, of the taxes paid by Village of Waterford residents.

This forum is providing the Village of Waterford taxpayers a great opportunity to hear from candidates (WGSD) who will be responsible for the largest portion of their property tax bills.

Anonymous said...

In today's Waterford Post there were 2 very well written letters to the editor supporting Dan Jensen and Doug Schwartz. As some people may be aware, ballot placement can either hurt or help a candidate. These two candidates happen to be listed 2nd and 4th on the ballot. Unfortunately when there are only 2 spots available, some voters just mark the first 2 people. If that happens with the WSGD candidates, it would be very unfortunate. The community needs both Jensen and Schwartz to be elected.
Saying that, I think it's very important for anybody who agrees with this to help support Jensen and Schwartz. Do either of these candidates have signs that supporters can place in their yards? If so, could a post be made on how to contact either of them?

Anonymous said...

I see my post questioning the removal of a poll prior to the election was removed -- much like the poll itself. I guess the WTA is hypocritically opposed to free speech!