The WTA was organized for the purpose of creating a unified taxpayer voice within the community.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
Global Warming....The Greatest FRAUD of our lifetime!!
Click Here for the article from the Wall Street Journal!!!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
Municipal Property Tax Increases
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Waterford Graded School District Board To Vote On Budget Monday!!!
The School Board was presented a budget with a 5% increase.
Believe it or not, some tax intoxicated wingnuts in the crowd actually asked the board to increase the spending!
Please be at the meeting and demand responsible spending!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Monday, October 5, 2009
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Forbes: Wisconsin third-worst state for business
Click here for the Forbes article....Wisconsin the third-worst state for business.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Pay Freezes Continue for Public Employees All Around SE Wisconsin....Will Our School Districts Act In A Similarly Responsible Manner????
Racine County employees took a pay freeze in 2009.
Eight Unions representing various City of Racine municipal employees agreed to a pay freeze in 2010...Click here for the article
City of Milwaukee municipal employees agreed to a pay freeze in 2010 AND 2011....Click here for the article
The Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District's 2010 Budget calls for pay freezes in 2010...Click here for the article
Yet somehow when we suggest pay freezes for all school district employees in the Waterford area, we are somehow "teacher bashing."
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Acorn News Flash:
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Kudos to the Village of Waterford
Click Here to view the article in the Waterford Post!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
An Anonymous Letter to the WGSD and WTA....
July 21, 2009
Dear Mr. Jensen,
It is my sincere hope that you will take the time to read this with thoughtful consideration, as I have spent a great deal of time wrestling with the following events. Waterford Graded 5chool District has gone down a slippery slope since Gary Tilleros retired. The current administration is sadly lacking in honesty, integrity and respect for its staff. Their agendas are unclear, but are certainly not concerning what is best for the students and lack fiscal responsibility.
Let's begin with fiscal responsibility. Administration has all the right things to say to the board and the public, but often don't paint the whole picture. In the past, the board seems to have taken this information at face value and been willing to approve things which have helped put us in the financial situation we are now in. Much of it was unnecessary or overkill. It's like an infomercial. All you get is why this product is needed, none of the drawbacks or complications in using it. How many of us have purchased some such item, only to be disappointed because there wasn't enough time to use or learn all the bells and whistles. Therefore, it either collects dust or we use it for the basics which could have been accomplished for much less money.
Take Smartboards for example. Yes, they are high tech, interactive and cool, but they are far from necessary. They are often used for videos and as overheads. There are some teachers that utilize them more often, and perhaps those are the teachers that should have one. However, it seems like an awful lot of money to spend for all classrooms to have them, especially within such a short period at time. I know of districts that ask teachers to write proposals or grants for these types of items. This way there is more assurance that the money is well spent and spending is spread out according to proposals and amount of money available.
On the topic of technology, just how much money exactly has been spent in the past two 'years on this? Not just hardware(which has been substantial-desktops, laptops, 5martboards, projectors, movie cameras), but including software, licensing for access to all computers, frequent outsourcing for issues that have continued to pop up, time spent by maintenance on installations of Smartboards, etc. Not all of these expenses occurred under the technology budget. When Mr. Bui was hired, part of the deal was the district would save that money by not outsourcing, as he knew all we needed regarding networking, PCs, etc. Prior to this administration, there was not even enough money to buy some software. How is it that the board could approve all this expense!? It was initially thought by this administration that WG5D had too many computers and the number of labs should be cut down. Instead, they purchased more computers than they ever had! These computers could have been phased in to some degree. Have these expenditure really been in the best interest of our students? Aren't 'quality teachers, support staff, and small class sizes better suited to help students succeed? Even as our students progress, technology doesn't do the teaching, it does the reinforcing. This all sets a precedent that continues.
Moving on to curriculum, how much was spent on Direct Instruction that has gone out the window? How much for the Scott Foresman and Investigations math programs and all the peripherals that were purchased and thrown out before two years' time? How much for the Every Day Math brought in and the online games to track students' activities? The online games were an unnecessary expense and I wonder how often these were actually accessed? I know of another district that does EDM, but opted out of the online games due to its expense. Why has our board been unable to say no to all the extras? We have many other ways to check our students' progress including MAP testing. There is free software on the internet that could be utilized it researched with lists given to teachers.
What is the cost of Compass Learning? Are students and the district getting their money’s worth out of it or is it a tool for busy work? This seems it would be more suited to students that are already motivated learners who would be just as successful with other types work. What about the unmotivated student or those easily distracted? Is this just time on their own when they are not really getting instruction? Do scores show that the good students get better and the lower students are stagnant? These are things to research.
Part of the problem seems to be jumping on the bandwagon. This district used to choose to go with the tried and true curriculum. This is good for students AND fiscally responsible. Trying to be cutting edge is experimenting with our students. We have begun to lean too heavily on technology, especially in younger grades. Yes, they need exposure to technology, but basics in the early years are crucial. This makes it easier for students to be successful as they get more difficult class material. Some things are best learned by rote, e.g. multiplication tables. We have fifth graders who do not know their facts, and therefore cannot divide either. Also, many students already sit in front of games on computers much of the day. Perhaps a move AWAY (of course not completely) from technology in early years is beneficial.
To add further to our fiscal issues, the administrators were given substantial raises in the beginning of this year. What is the total dollar figure of these combined raises? How many people would still have jobs this coming year instead of a lay off? The economy was very poor then as it continues to be, yet these raises were justified to the Waterford Post by Dr. Nelson as nothing more that the teachers would be getting. Now, no teachers are being replaced, some support staff have been laid off, and there is talk there will be no raises for teachers. However, there seems to be money to buy new Smartboards, for a Linux system and new curricula. Some districts have put off purchasing new curricula for a year to ease up some finances. Many put their value in the staff, knowing they are key to making a district successful.
Stimulus money here has been used for Smartboards even as six special education aides have been laid oft. This is a prime example of the lack of value and respect for staff. It is obvious that technology, and not staff is what is valued in this district. You have trained, licensed, experienced special education aides that have been laid off. Now remaining aides, no matter what area, are being asked to get their license so they can work with special needs students. Not only do you then have inexperienced staff, but it also taxes the classroom teachers and special education teachers more. To top it all off, the district is advertising part time special education aide positions?!! What is the agenda here? None of this seems to be in the best interest of the students.
Next, according to the Racine Journal Times, WGSD state funding went down $425,000, but Dr. Nelson is giving a figure of $600,000. Which is correct? I understand we are entitled to an increase in Title I funding due to an increase in our community of low income families. Has the district taken this into consideration when determining the tax levy? What is the tax levy going to be? Also, what was the final dollar figure in Dr. Nelson's request for her insurance benefits in cash? Now there is also threat of a discrimination lawsuit. The district is fortunate more lawsuits have not been filed regarding bullying and harassment to employees by members of administration. Again, the focus is not on creating a climate of goodwill among staff. People are too afraid for their jobs and ramifications if they were to speak up. Staff members have been on the edge of their seats for the past three years waiting to see if they would be the next target. This is unacceptable and detrimental to the functioning of this district. At one point, this professional, educated staff was told by Dr. Nelson that she would not explain her decisions nor her agenda when asked specific questions, as she felt staff was not capable of understanding the thinking of an administrator.
There is also a distinct lack of communication from administration and the board to staff and to the public. Unfortunately, staff is often left to rely on getting information in the form of rumors. This can and has created a great deal of stress. This takes focus away from teaching.
Board meetings in the past have been extremely vague with such wording as "refer to email sent" or "refer to packet sent." These items were not available to the public so they would know what anyone was talking about at meetings. There is also little information given in the minutes. WGSD should be following the example of the high school in using figures and options so the community can actually participate and know what is happening. There needs to be full disclosure aside from personal issues dealt with in closed session. This is one reason for frustration in the community, as it appears things are not done above board and with fiscal responsibility in mind. If Time Warner Cable still does community access, it would be nice to have the board meetings broadcasted. If not, why not use the new video cameras purchased for online concerts last year and post the video on the website.
Is this really the direction Waterford wants its schools to take? Although a board should not dictate to a school district, neither should administration dictate to a board. It would be nice to have board members communicate with staff, be present in the buildings, and find out, get a feeling for what is best for the students AND the taxpayers. Families move here for the good schools. We are included in that group. Honesty and integrity are necessary to keep this reputation. That is not the direction WGSD seems to be going.
It would be nice to have nothing to read in the Waterford Post but positive things teachers and their students are doing.
Thank you for your time.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
Monday, August 3, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
Sign The Petition To Stop The Energy Tax
Click here to sign the petition!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Waterford Middle School
The writer of this opinion piece argues that they don’t have an extra prep period but rather a common planning time. What ever it is called it is not time with students. They already have at least one early release day per month for meetings that use to be held after school.
I have been very careful not to criticize the teachers or their abilities or their concern for the students. My beef is with the administration and past school boards. They have ignored WGSD Policy 343.2 Class Size Goals. They have chosen the house system that guarantees that more teachers are required at an added cost to the taxpayers. I estimate the addition cost is between $250,000 and $500,000. If the superintendent is looking for a place to trim the budget, I suggest here.
I provided to the Waterford Post a spreadsheet with data backing up my information. I obtained the test scores from the WSAS, WKCE and WAA Combined from the DPI website. Other data was obtained from the administration. You can find the spreasheet below.
One area that is misleading is the number of teachers employed by the school district. Many special ed. teachers have been transferred to special ed. consortium but they are still paid for by the WGSD.
The writer also suggests I need to spend time at Fox River Middle School. The principal will confirm that I made arrangements to visit on one of my few vacation days to work with the TAG students on the candidate’s forum. I have also presented Electrical Engineer as a career at the high school. I don’t see teachers or administration coming to my place of employment to learn about high tech careers.
The writer might want to provide the paper with student/teacher ratios (using FTEs), class sizes, and number of aids or cost per student and let the taxpayers decide if those are reasonable numbers. The only numbers I did see was the 17 seventh graders and 20 eighth graders that have RTI needs. This is about 2 per classroom. I don’t believe that this is unreasonable.
I do question why 10% of our students need RTI (Response to Intervention). The curriculum director has spent a lot of time mapping out what should be taught and when to help with the WKCE scores. Some might call this teaching to the test. Still our scores continue to fall.
Second problem is that you need more classrooms. You may have heard about some students that are being taught in the basement. If you get the class sizes back to the right size, the basement classrooms would not be needed except for classes that need special rooms.
OK if you are an “advocate for education” you might feel this is a small price to pay for “the children.” That said, I don't believe that the house system providing the results they where looking for.
For 3 straight years, the DPI measurement of Advanced + Proficient students has declined from 88.8% in November of 2005 down to 85.0% in the most recent tests last November. That includes declines of 4% in Science and Social Studies this past year alone. I understand that the house system has only been in place for 2 years, but the house system has not changed the trend.
When the administration says there is nowhere to cut the budget, I see this as a huge cost burden. I believe that we had to add 20% more teachers in the Middle School because of the House System. It is time to scratch this costly program and examine our curriculum.
Paul Beyerl
Former WGSD Board Member
CLICK ON "wta" TO OPEN THE SPREAD SHEET....or you can scroll side/side - up/down.
24 Minimum MS Class Size
27 Average MS Class Size
30 Maximum MS Class Size
5 Classes as normal load
120 Minimum number of students taught per teacher
135 Average number of students taught per teacher
150 Maximum number of students taught per teacher
384 Minimum Number MS Students for House System
432 Average Number MS Students for House System
357 2008-2009 MS Enrollment
22.3125 2008-2009 MS Class Size
89.25 2008-2009 Students taught per teacher
51.26% Additional Teachers need because of fewer students being taught.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
The Bloviating of a WUHS Teacher and a WGSD Teacher
The Gordon's bloviated on and on about their selection (through open enrollment - they live in Eagle) of the WGSD for their children's education.
For the record, we agree that the WGSD is a fine school district, and the School Board, Administration, Principals and Teachers deserve credit for providing a quality education to the children.
However, it turns out that (according to the Waterford Post) Mr. Gordon is a teacher at the Waterford Union High School, and Mrs. Gordon was recently hired as a teacher in the Waterford Graded School District.
What a coincidence...the WGSD they boasted about happens to be the same WGSD that Mrs. Gordon works for. The WGSD is of course is a very convienent place to send their kids.
We wonder if perhaps the letter to the editor is more about parroting in disguise the talking points of those opposed to real progress and change at the WGSD than it is about the school of obvious conveinence.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Thursday, July 2, 2009
WGSD Middle School House System
When this program was proposed, I voted against it. The school district has set up guidelines for class size. The middle school class size is suppose to be between 24 and 30 or an average of 27. The minimum size for the middle school should be 384 students, 4 classes X 4 houses (2 in 7th and 2 in 8th grade) times the minimum class size of 24. Using the average class size of 27 students, the middle school should have 432 students. At the time Fox River had 354 students and the following year it went down to 331 and 357 students last year. This means that the class rooms have an average class size of 22.3 which does not meet the school board minimum size.
Having too few students in a class room has had two negative results. First, the district had to hire more teachers. With the house system, teachers are given an extra prep period. In the past a teacher would have 5 classes of 27 students or 135 students. With the current house system, they have about 90 students per day. This is only 2/3 of the students.
Second problem is that you need more classrooms. You may have heard about some students that are being taught in the basement. If you get the class sizes back to the right size, the basement classrooms would not be needed except for classes that need special rooms.
OK if you are an “advocate for education” you might feel this is a small price to pay for “the children.” That said, I don't believe that the house system providing the results they where looking for.
For 3 straight years, the DPI measurement of Advanced + Proficient students has declined from 88.8% in November of 2005 down to 85.0% in the most recent tests last November. That includes declines of 4% in Science and Social Studies this past year alone. I understand that the house system has only been in place for 2 years, but the house system has not changed the trend.
When the administration says there is nowhere to cut the budget, I see this as a huge cost burden. I believe that we had to add 20% more teachers in the Middle School because of the House System. It is time to scratch this costly program and examine our curriculum.
Paul Beyerl
Former WGSD Board Member
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Democrats Asinine Budget Passes Committee in Middle of the Night - An Update from Rep. Robin Vos

While most of you were sleeping this morning at 5:30, Democrats on the Joint Finance Committee approved a budget that increases taxes by over $4 billion and raises government spending by more 7% in the worst recession in a generation. As a member of the Committee, I was there for the entire 12 hour session, and I can't tell you how disappointed I am in the product that was approved by the 12 Democrats on the committee.
The committee co-chairs and leaders of the Assembly and Senate promised to put a budget on Governor Doyle’s desk by the end of the state fiscal year on June 30. With votes by both houses planned for June, it appears they will meet the deadline. While Madison politicians keeping their word may be a welcome change of pace, it doesn’t amount to good news in this instance.
Unfortunately, just getting the budget done doesn’t mean getting it right. Turning to tax and fee hikes to fuel an explosion of state government spending means Governor Doyle and the Democrats got it very wrong.
Governor Doyle promoted his state budget proposal in February by vowing to protect middle class taxpayers. He told lawmakers that we can find new revenues and fund our priorities “without raising taxes on middle class families.” He continued, “so, I am not going to raise taxes in the ways that some have suggested. Some say we should raise the sales tax. I’ve never done that, and I’m not going to now.
However, Governor Doyle did nothing to protect middle class taxpayers. To fund new state spending and government jobs, Governor Doyle cast a wide net that trapped middle-class families with a creative assortment of tax and fee hikes. Their tax burden ballooned when Democrats gave the green light to an amended version of the governor’s budget this morning.
Do you own a house?
Your property taxes will go up $316 according to the LFB estimate of the increase on an average home.
Do you use a telephone, cell phone, or fax machine?
Add 75-cents to your monthly bill for each one in order to fund 911 dispatch centers, plus more to fund an $11 million increase in the existing $30 million Universal Service Fund (which ensures all Wisconsinites have phone service). Then watch helplessly as Governor Doyle and the Democrats siphon $100 million to plug holes in unrelated state programs.
Do you have a child in daycare?
Forget about deducting child care tuition and fees from your state income tax. The deduction approved by the legislature and signed into law by Governor Doyle in 2007 has been scrapped. In addition, the per-child licensing fee your child care provider pays to the state is increasing 39%.
Do you pay a portion of your health insurance premium?
It’s no longer tax deductible in Wisconsin. This deduction was also established in 2007.
Do you pay for automobile insurance?
Your rates will go up about 33% due to higher mandatory coverage amounts.
Are you getting married or having a baby?
The marriage and birth certificate fees are doubling.
Is your teenager looking for his or her first summer job?
The work permit fee is doubling.
Do you turn on the lights, heat or air conditioning at home?
Your utility bill will go up so that you can chip in to fund a $9.1 million annual increase in the existing $105 million low income energy assistance fund. And, you can again watch helplessly as $18.2 billion is drained from the fund during the two year budget period in order to pay for Wisconsin Works (W-2) benefits.
Do you have a child attending a University of Wisconsin school?
Tuition for the 2009 school year will go up at least 5% while financial aid is held flat.
Do you have a family member in a nursing home?
The nursing home bed tax will double this year and then increase another 13% next year. And, once again, most of those dollars will be used to pay for other programs.
Do you invest in stocks or real estate?
You’ll share any earnings with the state treasury now that the capital gains exclusion is slashed.
Do you depend on municipal garbage collection?
The “tipping fee” charged to your local government by the state more than doubled.
Do you buy cigarettes?
You’ll pay 75-cents more per pack.
Do you download music, ring tones, videos or books from the Internet?
You’ll now pay a 5 percent state sales tax on these digital products.
Do you ever fill your tank with gas?
You’ll pay 6-cents more per gallon.
With only a few hours to scan the Democrats’ handiwork, this list is apt to expand, and with it, your tax burden.
In the end, Democrats on the Joint Finance Committee packed hundreds of decisions into huge “omnibus motions” and took just a few votes to decide nearly all state government spending. They dodged debate and discussion, and avoided individual votes on particularly tricky political issues by continually meeting in secret, cutting back room deals that have more to do with the personal interests of the legislators rather than the taxpayers, and held meetings in the middle of the night and on weekends to avoid public coverage of what they were actually doing.
Survey Respondents Overwhelmingly Support Cutting Government Spending
Last week, I asked readers to complete a survey designed to help me understand the thoughts of Wisconsinites as to how the $7 billion budget deficit should be handled. Over 3,000 people took three minutes to answer three questions. Thank you to all who responded! Following are the results:
What do you believe state lawmakers should do to address the state’s $7 billion budget hole?
Cut Government Spending
Raise Taxes
Increase Borrowing to Get Through the Recession
If the following taxes were increased to address the state’s $7 billion budget hole, how would they impact your family?
Property Tax
Income Tax
Gas Tax
Sales Tax
Which of the following policy initiatives do you believe will be most successful in improving our state’s economy?
Cut Taxes on Businesses
Reduce Government Regulation on Businesses
Nothing, the State Should Allow the Free Market to Work
Require Governments to Purchase American Made Products
Increase Spending on K-12 Education
Increase Spending on Technical Schools
Make it Easier for Employees to Unionize
Use Tax Dollars to Assist Struggling Businesses
Increase Spending in the UW-System
A vast majority of respondents advocated for closing the state’s budget gap by reducing government spending. Opposition to tax increases was widespread, with property tax hikes causing the most concern. Increased government spending and new regulations weren’t viewed as helpful to the economy.
There were very few surprises in the survey results. Unfortunately, the priorities of Governor Doyle and Democrats writing the state budget are at odds with yours and mine.
State Representative Robin Vos
State Capitol - Room 321 East - Post Office Box 8953 - Madison, Wisconsin 53708
Phone: (608) 266-9171 - Toll Free: (888) 534-0063 - Fax (608) 282-3663
Monday, May 25, 2009
Memorial Day Thank You
Friday, May 22, 2009
The Bloated WGSD Budget
Dr. Nelson, the good people living in the Waterford Graded School District are too smart to buy your patronizing rhetoric.
Saying there isn’t any fat in the WGSD budget, is like saying that former Chicago Bears defensive lineman, William “The Refrigerator” Perry, has the figure of a fashion model gracing the runways of Paris or Milan.
We are in the most dire economic period since the great depression. People we know and love, right here in Waterford, are losing their homes and jobs. Many who have been fortunate enough to keep their jobs, have had their wages frozen or significantly reduced, while retirement and children’s college education savings are decimated. Families are being devastated by this crisis.
As families struggle to stay in their homes and provide for their children, the WGSD has rammed down our throats double-digit budget increases every year over the last many, many years. Those budget increases have well outpaced inflation and family income, while being particularly problematic for senior citizens living on fixed incomes.
I sat down with a cup of coffee and in five minutes came up with a laundry list of cost saving ideas and “fat” identification. Here they are in no particular order:
o 2 year pay freeze for every WGSD employee and repeal the 4% raise the administrators just received. In the alternative, administrators and principles who are on 12 month contracts could be laid off over the summer for whatever period of time it takes to make up any salary increase.
o All WGSD employees should be required to contribute 15% - 20% of the monthly health insurance premiums paid for by the taxpayers.
o Find a cheaper health insurance company than the WEAC insurance.
o Impose $1000 individual and $2500 family – out of pocket - annual insurance deductibles for every district employee (for those eligible for insurance).
o Require district residency for every WGSD employee. They are public employees, and should be living in and giving back to the community that employs them. I think you would have greater buy-in to the district’s mission and those employees would more likely be concerned about controlling costs.
o These are tough times…and enrollment is declining. Increase class sizes and layoff teachers. Class size (number of students/teacher) is largely about lightening the load for the teacher and has little to do with student learning.
o Eliminate all Aides. You have more than enough teachers to get the job done!
o Eliminate each “principal’s secretary.” The principals can answer their own phones and type their own letters.
o Each of the schools are bloated with janitorial / grounds keeping staff. Eliminate all but one janitorial position (he can do grounds keeping too). Administrators, principals and teachers should be expected to clean (sweep / vacuum / mop etc.) their own work areas and take out their own garbage. At least one of the schools employs four janitors and one grounds keeper!!!!
o Another alternative would be to hire a cleaning service. Eliminate the janitorial staff and contract with a private cleaning company to clean the buildings. There would be significant savings by being able to forgo health insurance premiums, retirement costs, etc.
o Do we really (come on) need “guidance counselors” in grade school and middle school?
o Eliminate the Curriculum Director position….isn’t that what the District Administrator is supposed to do!
o Eliminate the Technology Director. Contract with a private vendor on a time & materials basis for any maintenance / upgrade to the district computer network.
o Do we really need Library media specialists, library aides and technology curriculum integrators in our schools?
o How many classes does a teacher teach in the day. Do we need both a 7th Grade Science teacher and an 8th Grade Science teacher? Can’t one “science teacher” teach both 7th and 8th grade science?
o Are the nurses district employees who get health insurance and retirement benefits, or are they nurses from a private company contracted by the district to save money?
o Eliminate all travel and conferences that require overnight travel or are out of state.
o Eliminate any district funded teacher/staff luncheons, parties, etc.
o Sell off some of the current land owned by the district. I realize there is some ridiculous DPI guideline suggesting that every school have 30 acres, but it is just that – ridiculous. How is a school better, educationally, if it has 30 acres v. 5 or 10 acres? The land, for example, to the south of Trailside between the school and the Pharmacy Station would be a great location for a small business or office building. There is plenty of green space behind Trailside for the kids to play. We don’t NEED all of this extra valuable acreage. Sell it!
I encourage district residents to go to the WGSD website at You can navigate to the page for the district and each of the individual schools, where you will see for yourself the number of administrators, teachers, aides and other support staff.
The taxpayers in the Waterford Graded School District expect a REDUCTION in the next budget, and will accept nothing short of a freeze.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Senator Ted Kanavas lists 30 Doyle tax increases
April 30, 2009: Day 30: The Property Tax
April 29, 2009: Day 29: The Medical Records Tax
April 28, 2009: Day 28: The Child Care Tax
April 27, 2009: Day 27: The Birth Certificate Tax
April 26, 2009: Day 26: The Driver Record Tax
April 25, 2009: Day 25: The Phone Tax II
April 24, 2009: Day 24: The Air Emissions Tax
April 23, 2009: Day 23: The Boat Registration Tax
April 22, 2009: Day 22: The Vehicle Environmental Impact Tax
April 21, 2009: Day 21: The Hunting Tax
April 20, 2009: Day 20: The Gas Tax
April 19, 2009: Day 19: The Great Lakes Water Compact Tax
April 18, 2009: Day 18: The Assisted Living Facilities Tax
April 17, 2009: Day 17: The Investment Tax
April 16, 2009: Day 16: The Garbage Tax
April 15, 2009: Day 15: Right to Keep and Bear Arms Tax
April 14, 2009: Day 14: New Upper Tax Bracket
April 13, 2009: Day 13: The Hospital Tax
April 12, 2009: Day 12: Easter Sunday, No Release
April 11, 2009: Day 11: Vital Records Tax
April 10, 2009: Day 10: BadgerCare Plus Tax
April 9, 2009: Day 9: UW Tuition Increase
April 8, 2009: Day 8: The Capital Gains Tax
April 7, 2009: Day 7: The Work Permit Tax
April 6, 2009: Day 6: The Tailgate Tax
April 5, 2009: Day 5: The Seed License Tax
April 4, 2009: Day 4: The Justice Information Tax
April 3, 2009: Day 3: The Cigarette Tax
April 2, 2009: Day 2: The Phone Tax
April 1, 2009: Day 1: The Nursing Home Bed Tax
Senator Ted Kanavas - April Tax Awareness Campaign 2009 - CLICK HERE
Sunday, April 26, 2009
One Sad State by Mark Belling
Governor doing his best to drive businesses out or into the ground
Click here to read Mark Belling's great article on our intellectually challenged Governor....
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Sen. Dianne "The Wingnut" Feinstein wants $25 Billion For Company Tied To Her Husband
Click here to see the rest of the story..........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
New Documents Uncovered by Judicial Watch Show Congress Ignored Corruption at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac for Years
Congress Warned on Fannie and Freddie Misdeeds, yet Liberals in Congress Blocked Attempts to Rein in the Government Sponsored Enterprises
Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, announced today that as part of its ongoing investigation of the government's role in the financial crisis it has uncovered new documents. The documents show that members of Congress for years were aware that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were playing fast and loose with accounting issues, risk assessment issues and executive compensation issues, even while liberals in Congress continued to block attempts to regulate the two Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs).
The Effort to Recall Governor Diamond Jim Doyle
If you have any interest in helping with the cause.......Click Recall Diamond Jim Doyle Now!!!!!!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Victory And A Very Clear Message To The Tax Intoxicated WGSD Adminstration and Current Board......And Really, To The WUHS Board As Well!!!!!!
Congratulations to Dan Jensen and Doug Schwartz who have been elected to the Waterford Graded School District Board.
Congratulations to Mary Kacmarcik who has been re-elected to the Waterford Town Board.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Please Remember To Get Out & Vote Tomorrow - April 7, 2009
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
We have stuck together since the late 1950's, but the whole of this latest election process has made me realize that I want a divorce. I know we tolerated each other for many years for the sake of future generations, but sadly, this relationship has run its course. Our two ideological sides of America cannot and will not ever agree on what is right so let's just end it on friendly terms. We can smile and chalk it up to irreconcilable differences and go our own way.
Here is a model separation agreement:
Our two groups can equitably divide up the country by landmass each taking a portion. That will be the difficult part, but I am sure our two sides can come to a friendly agreement. After that, it should be relatively easy! Our respective representatives can effortlessly divide other assets since both sides have such distinct and disparate tastes.
We don't like redistributive taxes so you can keep them. You are welcome to the liberal judges and the ACLU. Since you hate guns and war, we'll take our firearms, the cops, the NRA and the military. You can keep Oprah, Michael Moore and Rosie O'Donnell (You are, however, responsible for finding a bio-diesel vehicle big enough to move all three of them).
We'll keep the capitalism, greedy corporations, pharmaceutical companies, Wal-Mart and Wall Street. You can have your beloved homeless, homeboys, hippies and illegal aliens. We'll keep the hot Alaskan hockey moms, greedy CEO's and rednecks. We'll keep the Bibles and give you NBC and Hollywood .
You can make nice with Iran and Palestine and we'll retain the right to invade and hammer places that threaten us. You can have the peaceniks and war protesters. When our allies or our way of life are under assault, we'll help provide them security.
We'll keep our Judeo-Christian values.. You are welcome to Islam, Scientology, Humanism and Shirley McClain. You can also have the U.N.. but we will no longer be paying the bill.
We'll keep the SUVs, pickup trucks and oversized luxury cars. You can take every Subaru station wagon you can find.
You can give everyone healthcare if you can find any practicing doctors. We'll continue to believe healthcare is a luxury and not a right. We'll keep The Battle Hymn of the Republic and the National Anthem. I'm sure you'll be happy to substitute Imagine, I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing, Kum Ba Ya or We Are the World.
We'll practice trickle down economics and you can give trickle up poverty your best shot. Since it often so offends you, we'll keep our history, our name and our flag.
Would you agree to this? If so, please pass it along to other like minded liberal and conservative patriots and if you do not agree, just hit delete. In the spirit of friendly parting, I'll bet you ANWAR which one of us will need whose help in 15 years..
John J. Wall
Law Student and an American
P.S. Also, please take Barbara Streisand & Jane Fonda with you.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
Doyle's Budget: $1.7 Billion in Tax, Fee Increases
Click here to see the document from Doyle's own Legislative Fiscal Bureau!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
"Meet the Candidates Evening" on Thursday, March 19, 2009
We are inviting the candidates for Town of Waterford Supervisor and the Waterford Graded School District Board (WGSD). After a brief introduction we will be give each of the three candidates for Town of Waterford Supervisor five minutes to speak to our group prior to getting to the WGSD candidates.
When we move on to the WGSD portion of the evening, each candidate will give an opening statement. The WGSD candidates will then be asked (on a rotating basis) a series of questions that were solicited from concerned taxpayers in the Waterford area.
The taxpayers of the Waterford area are looking for real leadership from our elected officials. We’re looking for leaders who value the education of our children and who recognize the importance of managing the delivery of that education in a fiscally responsible manner.
Please be sure to bring a friend or neighbor!!
Rose Fernandez and Tony Evers Running For State School Superintendent
Click here to watch this great video, learn about the candidates and decide who you want to vote for!!!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Governor's Budget Calls For Hikes in Auto Insurance Premiums

When Wisconsin's budget is introduced, it often contains what we refer to as "non-fiscal policy" - items that are more legislatively - focused and have little to do with the budget, itself. In the last budget, Governor Doyle included 53 non-fiscal policy items including things like repealing the Qualified Economic Offer (QEO) for teachers, allowing UW Faculty to unionize, and gutting Truth-in-Sentencing provisions. Most of these items were removed by the Joint Finance Committee, due to a long-standing tradition that the committee return these policies back to the Legislature for full consideration.
The reason it's done in the first place, is to force legislators to vote for provisions they would not normally support because of the pressing statutory deadline that exists for passing the budget If these proposals were offered as standalone provisions for the whole Legislature to consider, many would likely die, as so many bills do every legislative session.
However, in this upcoming budget, Governor Doyle has been quite brazen in the non-fiscal policy items that he has decided to put forth. Though there are many, those of note include creating a domestic partner registry, repealing the QEO - a tool to help school districts hold down property taxes, attacking Milwaukee's School Choice program, and mandating the increase of auto insurance coverage minimums.
The increase in coverage amounts on auto insurance is particularly disturbing. The proposal calls for raising liability limits from $25,000 to $100,000 for each person, from $50,000 to $300,000 for each accident, and from $10,000 to $25,000 for property damage (Read the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel story here). According to the Insurance Journal, this could raise premium costs anywhere from 33 to 43 percent.
According to the Insurance Information Institute, in 2006, the average annual auto premium paid by Wisconsin citizens was $590. That means that the average driver will see an increase anywhere from $194 to $253 per year his insurance bill.
Unfortunately, while it has always been the policy of the Joint Finance Co-Chairs to remove these non-budgetary items from the budget, I have little faith that that will occur this time. With Democrats controlling both houses and the Governor's office, Democratic leaders will seize this opportunity to advance controversial policies that wouldn't stand the light of day if done in the regular process
If these policies are so worthwhile, they should go through the Legislature like every other major policy item. They should be available for public hearings so that regular citizens have the opportunity to scrutinize and critique the merits of the proposal. Pushing these things through in the budget is simply a way to advance the agenda of a few at the expense of open government and a fully involved public.
State Representative Robin VosState Capitol - Room 321 East - Post Office Box 8953 - Madison, Wisconsin 53708
Phone: (608) 266-9171 - Toll Free: (888) 534-0063 - Fax (608) 282-3663
Monday, March 2, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Doyle's School Funding Proposal Would Lift Revenue Caps
Friday, February 20, 2009
An Email from Rep. Robin Vos

Ten Dollars in Tax Increases For Every One Dollar in Spending Cuts
This week the Senate and Assembly approved Governor Doyle's Budget Bailout Bill to fix a $500 million deficit in the current year's budget. The bill didn't come close to closing this year's deficit - still leaving a $416 million hole going into the upcoming fiscal year. However, it did manage to raise taxes by $1.2 billion. In fact, this "budget repair" bill was so irresponsible, that it contained $10 in tax increases for every $1 in spending cuts.
On Tuesday, Governor Doyle also introduced his biennial budget bill in which he plans to address a $5.9 billion budget deficit over the next two years. Between the two proposals, there are more than $2 billion in tax hikes. The bills tax everything from music downloads, to small businesses, to gas, just to name a very few.
I am very disappointed in Governor Doyle's state budget proposal. When we are facing the worst economic situation in a generation, it's terribly reckless to increase taxes on Wisconsin's families and small businesses.
I am in the process of reading the bill right now. It is 1800 pages and will take some time to get through. When I do, I will give you a full update as to what is in the bill.
Wisconsin Shares Audit Approved After Vos Makes Request
Most of us have been following the Watchdog Reports in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel chronicling the fraud taking place in the Wisconsin Shares child care program. Reporter Raquel Rutledge identified $750,000 in overt fraud. She also identified more than $13 million in overpayments to child care providers. Whether the overpayments occurred because of fraud or bad recordkeeping is unknown.
My interest in the Wisconsin Shares program began during the last budget. I was informed that this fraud was occurring - though I had no idea it was this occurring at such a massive scale - and I set out to do something about it.
Ultimately, I was successful in writing a fraud provision that did make it into the budget and is now part of state statute. It creates an incentive for counties to look for fraud and allows them to keep a percentage of whatever they are able to recover.
However, based on this Journal Sentinel report, it is clear that this problem is so much larger than we knew and will require major reforms to stop this level of taxpayer fraud. Therefore, I recently made a request of the Legislative Audit Committee that they convene and recommend that the nonpartisan Legislative Audit Bureau conduct a full scale audit of the program in order to find major problem areas where we can make legislative changes that ensure this never occurs again.
Fortunately, the committee met today and did approve this audit. I look forward to reading the results of the Audit Bureau's findings and working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to stop this horrible misuse of taxpayer funds.
State Representative Robin Vos
State Capitol - Room 321 East - Post Office Box 8953 - Madison, Wisconsin 53708
Phone: (608) 266-9171 - Toll Free: (888) 534-0063 - Fax (608) 282-3663
On the Internet: Representative Vos' Web Site