Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Spending and Raises Up Significantly at the Waterford Union High School

Wow, the spending at the Waterford Union High School seems to be excessive! What is it with these tax intoxicated school board members and administrators?

Their Annual Budget Meeting was held this evening.

Here are some troubling things that were disclosed during the course of the meeting.

The High School has $4,637,975 in reserves. They continue to refuse to use some of that to offset the tax levy and lower our property taxes. 1.1 Million of that came from Racine County when the Special Education program was turned over to the local school districts. The High School Board hasn’t passed that money on to us in the form of tax relief, they simply pocketed it in their general fund and pretended like they never received it. They increased their budget when they took over the Special Education program but didn’t put the money they received from Racine County for the Special Education program toward the program. They simply raised your taxes and hid the money they received from the County.

Even though the State Law allows districts to hold teachers/administrators increases at 3.8%, the High School Board decided to give the teachers a 4.5% raise, the support staff a 5.5% raise, and the administration a 3.5% raise PLUS a $1000 bonus.

They were asked if the teachers paid any percentage of their health insurance premiums. They proudly answered that yes, they pay 3% - even though most of us pay 15% or more toward our health insurance. What is even more astonishing is that we learned that while the teachers "contribute" 3% toward their health insurance, the school district then turns around and gives them 3% toward an annuity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What kind of a SCAM is that?

In total salaries went up 9.9% and Operating Transfer expenses went up over 34%.

A taxpayer mentioned that even though he was against the large increase this year (AGAIN), the High School should tax at last years level and get the balance from the reserve fund to keep taxes at last years level. They refused!!!!!

We have a lot of work ahead of us!


Anonymous said...

Another fine example of the Teachers Union showing their muscle, this is not only a Waterford issue. Until we get a Gov. that doesn't bed with these unions, this is our future. I have friends that are teachers (yes, I do consider them friends) that I rib all the time about health care, they just give me that sheepish look with a wink. The part that gets me is we didn't need to give a (pay increase) more then their contract says. Thats were the administration failed the people that pay them. Hopefully with all the efforts that is going forward, they will realize that WE do pay the bills.

Anonymous said...

Both the graded and high schools have built up substantial amounts in their "General" slush funds. Mr. Brandstetter even stated he maintains it at a high level so he doesn't need to go to the taxpayers with a referendum when he wants to spend for unbudgeted projects. It takes a lot of nerve to tell us that he's found a way to eliminate the little control we have (had) in the spending process.

Can we somehow put a legal cap on the amounts kept in the general fund? e.g. cap it at 5% of the non-general budget items.

On the positive side, Mr. Brandstetter showed a good understanding of the fiscal aspects of his operation, something that was totally absent in Ms. Nelson's presentation on Monday. At least on Monday (I hope) we got the message through to the Board and Administration.

Paul B said...

Hi Taxpayers,

The school districts should have a balance in the general fund because their budget year starts in the middle of the summer and they don't receive payments from the state for a couple months after school starts.

The amount they should have extra is 20 to 30%. The WGSD is at that level. It sounds like the high school is much higher than that.

The Qualified Economic Offer (QEO) was put in place by Tommy Thompson. This allowed communities to offer 3.8% increase in salaries and benefits to the teachers without going into arbitration. We need to remember that the teachers get almost $20,000 for health insurance, plus life and dental insurance and 10.6% added for their retirement. Our school board voted to give them 4.1% increase. This increase is compounded every year. They get their insurance from the WEA (teachers union) Insurance Company.

I guess I need to find another job to pay for their part time jobs.

Paul B.

Anonymous said...

Reliable sources inside WUHS tell of an organized effort to
get as many high school employees as possible to attend the
budget meeting. This intentional maneuver was to counter the
possible high attendance by Taxpayers Association members who
would have enough votes to reject the proposed budget as was
done at the Grade School Budget meeting the night before. The
employees were successful this year as there were only 6 of us
who voted AGAINST the proposed budget. So... $60k or so plus
free health insurance ( after subtracting the annuity )for
about 8 months of 'work'. Oh... don't forget the breakfasts and
lunches on us too.