Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Waterford Graded Teachers Survey...

Click here for a link to the article in the Waterford Post.

What a joke!

This is the result of the continued “wussification” of american society. What do they want a participation trophy or something. Really…time to pull up your big girl and big boy pants, get a grip on yourself and do your job! If you have it so bad and need someone to hold your hand so you feel better about yourself quit and go work somewhere else you “overworked” selfish twits. You get full time wages for working less than 8 months of the year. You have summers off, two weeks a Christmas, a week and Thanksgiving and a week at Easter…and at least 5 “sick” days. You pay nearly nothing toward your own retirement and a measly 12% toward your Cadillac heath insurance plan!!! Your compensation and part time work is the appreciation for doing your job – now do it!!!!!!!!!!!